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Rethinking workforce sustainability: A debate with Wilson and HRDirector

In-person debate

March 27, 2025

12:00 PM - 4:30 PM GMT

London City Suite, Tower Suites, 100 Minories, London

Wilson’s Craig Sweeney, EVP of Global Strategic Talent Solutions, and Debs Keogh, Senior Director of Client Solutions, will be discussing the importance of building and maintaining sustainable workforces that thrive at an upcoming debate with HRDirector.

The pair will join talent leaders to debate the significance of workforce sustainability for organisational success. They will also explore how a skills-first approach can help create dynamic, diverse, and agile workforces.

For more information about the event, and to register, please visit the HRDirector webpage here.

EVP, Global Strategic Talent Solutions
Senior Director, Client Solutions